
Almost 20 hours working on an image


I had started to figure out Letitia's blowjob and stopped, this second, I was having trouble sleeping and I decided to work on it until I finished. I stayed until midnight working on it (of course with some interruptions), the most time consuming was the background. Unfortunately this delay was not due to an increase in quality (although the resolution of it is slightly higher than the resolution I usually work). This comes much further from my lack of experience in producing these drawings.

Dark moon is walking slowly and the main reasons are disorganization of the events in the game and that it is not my priority.

Yes, it is not my priority, taking out the advertisements on the blog, I do not make money directly with the game and neither can, there are still many third party resources in the game. My own patreon, is not aimed at Dark Moon but series and independent images. That way I give priority to my series of images, such as cinthya pregnancy, patron requests, requests from the October promotion winners and only then in the dark moon.

And then when I go to work on it, many main events are arranged in a confusing way and the documentation of the game is poorly done, that is, I always have to spend some time to remember where the switches and variables of each thing are.

When I cast the dark moon, it was just a hobby, it was a game I made with hentals that I found on the internet. Then it became something more serious. And now I have to make a decision on how to continue the game.


I can try to continue the game, try to fix it, or restart it from scratch, but I wanted to talk to you about a fourth option, the Breeding Grounds.

Briefly, Breeding grounds would be a game pokemon, but where the protagonist captures creatures using the pussy instead of pokeballs.

In breeding grounds you control a protagonist in a world where certain girls carry the succubus gene and with that they can breed with other species and animals.

The protagonist begins with a small ranch and some money. She will need to acquire, or hunt animals to take to the ranch. It can make these animals reproduce (including with it), create hybrids and "milk" animal by-products such as milk, sperm, honey ...

She can earn money by selling these animals, puppies, products, or even in ways less related to the ranch, as a breeding ground for other sites, or even prostitution.

Reproduction, "harvesting" of by-products, capture and training of creatures will be hentai events.

There will be rare creatures and the protagonist will have to explore hard-to-reach places to find them. And here comes the main differential of the game: the protagonist will not always be allowed to act in all regions. There will be different nations, each with its laws of relations between humans and creatures. The protagonist may have to go through extensive bureaucracies, which may be facilitated by sexual favors, or even risk being arrested and sent to crowded prisons of abusers in more inflexible nations.

There will be rare creatures and the protagonist will have to explore hard-to-reach places to find them. And here comes the main differential of the game: the protagonist will not always be allowed to act in all regions. There will be different nations, each with its laws of relations between humans and creatures. The protagonist may have to go through extensive bureaucracies, which may be facilitated by sexual favors, or even risk being arrested and sent to prisons, full of abusers, in more inflexible nations.

Of course you will have a system of impregnation and pregnancy, plus a system of reaction of npcs, fame and morals. (The prototype of this already exists in the dark moon).

As the breeding grounds would not have third party features, I could bind it to patreon, which would raise the game upgrade priority. Of course, it would not be an exclusive game of patreons: from version 0.1a to 1.0a it would be completely public, from 1.0a to 2.0a patreons and public will receive versions at the same time, but the patreon will have extra parallel content and from of the 2.0a I would launch the first versions for the patreon and would only launch for the public when it left the following version for the patreon. (Or it would remain in the system of events exclusive to the patreon, this can be put to vote)

Dark moon is not so well developed and much of the resources can be availed in Breeding Grounds, but I would appreciate your opinion. Can I leave the Dark Moon for an hour and dedicate myself to Breeding Grounds?


Dark Moon for macs in Zip

Guys, it's nothing new, it's the same 1.3a. Is that someone told me that rar files do not work right on mac and that it is better to make it available in zip format. I did it but I forgot. There is the dark moon 1.3a zip version.

About version 1.4, I have no good news, I decided to take a vacation for myself, masters, draw hentai and make game, besides other things takes a lot of time and is a bit exhausting. Tired, the libido goes away and without libido a hentai breeder loses its "power". But I'm going back to work on the game next week.


Bad news?

The laptop keyboard is defective and this is disrupting the development of the game. I'm using a virtual keyboard, but even so things slow down. I'm trying to streamline the images, since writing dialogues and variable names is laborious this way. I think I'll figure it out before the new year...

I'm also having to focus on some commissions ... But please, trust me, 1.4 comes out in January.


Weekly update

This time I'll just do a short report. Version 1.4 has several new graphical elements and I'm going to take a while. I thank you for answering the questionnaires from previous posts, this is helping me a lot to chart the direction of Dark Moon. About the last poll, there was a question if Letitia reminded you of anyone. The question is this, I still have a lot of difficulty in drawing different poses and so it's always nice to have a reference. If anyone knows of any public persona similar to Letitia, like some actress, character of animation, or something and indicate me, this will make me easier, because I will have a source of new references.

I was basing myself on this porn actress, but I forgot her name :'(  UPDATE, her name is River Fox


Breasts for Letitia, Quest for jobs in the slave guild and more answers to your feedback.

I'm turning in three to be able to handle all the tasks and publish the game in a timely manner. I mean, publish the next alpha version. That is, in thesis is not a publication.

On the increase in Letitia's breasts, so far I've done two things. The current Letitia sprite, which is being used in the game, has a breasts growth during pregnancy. I took the layer with the breasts equivalent to 36 weeks and applied to her normal body. The other thing I did was try to draw a new sprite model. The prototype is that, of that image just above. This week's poll will NOT be to define what Letitia's sprite will be, but rather to have a sense of your taste.

Well, about the progress of the game, I'm almost finished implementing the quest that Letitia will have to do to get Keen to get permission to work in the slave guild. This quest will have different resolution routes and the shortest route involves H-actions. I intend that most of the game quests have H-actions on at least one of their routes.

Regarding the questionnaire on my English in Dark Moon (which you can still reply by clicking HERE), the answers indicate that my English is understandable, but strange. It does not affect the understanding of the game, but I could write it another way. Well, in the questionnaire there is a space to transcribe these passages where it is written wrong, or in a strange way. If it is possible for you to transcribe them. You do not have to transcribe all, transcribe only the first mistake that you find and how it is the correct form. I do not have a lot of English, and I can not do it alone.

As for the battle questionnaire (the one here), I had only two more answers. I was amazed that people are finding the battles good, or at least fair. I do not have much to add.

As for the main poll of version 1.3 (this HERE), the first report came from someone saying that the game freezes a lot and has many lags. Since only one person has marked this option, I'm going to assume it's some memory management problem or the player's machine hardware. Even so I'm going to look for some points in the game that gives to optimize performance. In the future I will launch a more detailed questionnaire on bugs and freezes in order to make it easier for me to locate the source of these problems.

I was shown a website to sell the game. I thank and in future intend to use this service, but not for Dark Moon. Dark Moon will be free. About posting the Dark Moon on hentai games forums, which is another suggestion that the staff has given me, I'll do this, but I'll wait for the game to mature a bit more. I do not forbid anyone to divulge, of course. But being the creator of the game, I get kind of embarrassed to get into such a forum with a game that has more bug than plot.

Well, to conclude, here is another poll about the versions of Letitias. The newest version is still an outline. The feet and hands are strange, I know that. And I'm sorry for the flashlight. I was going to do it by holding a crowbar (one of the guns of the game), but I'm exhausted and I ended up being lazy and making this flashlight really weird.


Bugs, rat, drawings and weekly report:

Again late, but I'm able to keep something close to a weekly post.

First, thank you very much for the feedback about the game. I'll keep the questionnaires open. You can answer the general questionnaire about the game here and a questionnaire on the battles here. At the end of this post, there is another questionnaire about misspellings and grammar errors in the game and on the face of the protagonist.

More people have answered the main poll and so far they have found the game promising, they have also enjoyed the design of Letitia. But in addition to requests for bigger breasts, now has a request for a "good pregnant belly" and that I fix her face.

On the pregnant belly, people need not worry, Letitia already has a pregnancy vector drawn and she may get pregnant by various creatures in the game.

Pregnancy vector

But fixing the face is a little complicated, because I do not know what has to be fixed, so I'm going to be doing a poll to find out if you like Letitia's face and asking what you would like it to be fixed.

Some version 1.3 players reported a bug while trying to get the screwdriver. In fact, I went to check and it seems that there was an error in the positioning of the event. I believe this happened when I was updating the version of rpg maker MV I have. I've fixed this problem for version 1.4.

There were suggestions about the fighting. As a slime attack immobilize her and she only receive hentai attacks while in this condition. I guarantee nothing on this level, at least not with the existing enemies, since I program by events and this is problematic when things start to become complex. I'll try to implement something of the sort gradually, but it will take time.

I still do not have much feedback on the battles. One person found it difficult, one found it boring and two people found it fair.

I still do not have much direction in how the fighting is to make some big change. Maybe now, with version 1.4, where the first stores will be working, maybe give you a sense of what you are thinking of the difficulty and reward for the fighting.

Most people do not like rats, I do not blame them, my intention is for them to be guerrilla foes, who do damage, but they flee before you get a chance to fight back, but that's really exhausting. I plan to change their behavior and graphics for 1.4. The guerrilla power of the rats will be the ability to unequip Letitia and with that leave the bitch of her vulnerable. That is, they will possibly join groups with other enemies.

A person found the toxic slime annoying, I imagine it is because of slimes flee when they detect that Letitia is carrying one in her womb. Actually this is my fault, since the combat happens by contact of events, I can make that fight neither happens when letitia is in that state.

Someone suggested bipedal or humanoid monsters. This suggestion is very welcome and in fact there were already creatures of this type, including human enemies and they are expected to appear after version 1.6.

At most I fear I have to say that it is very likely that I will not be able to deliver the 1.4 in the first week of December. I'm not getting much free time to devote myself to developing the game.

About the designs I'm owed to the winners of a small competition I did on DA, HF and on my other blog:

Guys, I'm working on it!

Two of the requests were very complicated. One of them has many images involved, the other is about a type of fetish that I do not have the slightest libido (and this greatly affects productivity)

My priority is going to be patreons' requests, because that's what gives me some income. (Anyone can support me by the patreon here) I have to also maintain the development of the pregnancy of Cinthya (you can accompany the pregnancy of the redhead here, or here, or here). Each link can have a different image and in deviant art I usually sell at a very low price (type 10 cents) sets of images with Cinthya dressed in different ways.

I am finishing the main prize of "Comrade DerpyHooves" and then I will focus on the main prize of BigBenProgrammingCo, for being easier. Mystical Pig, your prize will be last because it is the most complex and involves a large number of images and difficult poses to draw.

However, the Mystical Pig's application for patreon will be a priority and will be delivered the first week of December. And I'm particularly proud of the story I posted.

I would like to thank the Mystical Pig for all the support he has given me and also to my other patrons, Fierylion and bcr3842. Thank you guys, your support is very important to me.


Bigger Boobs

I know, I promissed post here weekly and I did post nothing last week, but I will post twice this week.

Ok, first of all, only 3 answered my report poll about the game. You still can answer it here: THE POLL ABOUT MY GAME it's easy and anonymous.

Well, by these 3 answers I can see that the people have a good expectation about the game, the game is running well, the people like Letitia and... THEY WANT BIGGER BOOBS.

So your wish is an order. I will redraw Letitia with bigger boobs. Someone suggested me a kind of customization options, that the player can choose the size of the boobs of our hentaigirl, but, sorry, it will take a lot of time to do, and I fear this could delay the game dev a lot, since there is only I making the game and I have a lot of things to do like my master degree and stuff.


Another thing people have complained about is that their enemies are "virtually invisible". Well, this is not a bug, I was inspired by some games in the series "The Legend of Queen Opal". The enemies in Dark Moon will start with a high transparency level and the player will be able to make them more visible using items and improving a passive skill that will be implemented in the next versions. So I beg for it.

I also created the 4 NPCs "shopkeepers" of the very first settlement in the game, the "Slavers" guild:

Yes, I used the RMMV's character generator, I'm trying speed up the game dev...

I also have another poll to you:

Almost 20 hours working on an image

VERY IMPORTANT DECISION BELOW I had started to figure out Letitia's blowjob and stopped, this second, I was having trouble sleeping a...