
Menu System

Guys, I am working in a menu system. It's pretty simple, but will save some performance and will be very cool.

Whenever in game you press "esc" you will see this "menu":

The image, position, and menu options are temporary and I'm going to change these things before Alpha 2.0, but for now we have:

Save Game: Open rpg maker save game menu.
Main Menu: Go to title menu. (No confirmation, so be careful not to leave without saving.)
Equips: Open the equips menu (See below)
Character: Open character menu (See below)
Itens: Open the normal rpg maker menu
Exit Game: Dos nothing... ¬¬

The equips menu:

As the name says, is the menu where you can mange the Laetiti'as equipment. For now we have only five slots of equips working: Torso armor, Legs armor, Feet armor, Headset and weapon. You can navigate thorough the slots using the arrow keys and acess them using the action key.

Every equip has some stats and this are shown int the bars at the center of the menu. There are five bars:

Attack Bar
Defense Bar
Agility Bar
Luck Bar


The Bars seek an color code.
Red, Green, Blue and Purple are for Physical Attack, P. Def, Luck, Agi and HP
Yellow, Cyan, Pink and Magenta are for Magic Attack, M.Def and SP.

In order of strength
Purple and Magenta >>>> Blue and Pink >>>> Green and Cyan >>>> Red and Yellow.

So in the image, the Green Shirt improves a Little your Physical Defense, Agility and Luck

In another example, the gadgeter glasses improves improves a little the magic attack, the same increment of magic and physical Def (second bar, red and yellow in the same bar) and a reasonable increase of SP (You can read this cyan and yellow bar something as 20 + 5, 2 grads of cyan and 5 grads of yellow)

Some objects, like the rusty scissors, has negative values for some attributes. In this case, the bar will be drawn in reverse.

If you enter in an equip slot, you can equip and unequip whaterver equip you have. The red X unequip the current equip.

Character ,menu:

In the character menu you will be able to see the pregnancy and fertility status of Laetitia, see her achievements and manage her character sheet. (these two are not implemente yet)

The bars in this part of menu go from red to magenta, to represente values in a logarithmic scale of 10. So Red is about 1 to 10, Yellow 11 to 100, Green 110 to 1000, Cyan 1100 to 10000 and Pink 11000 to 999999.

The top left of the screen we have the Level monitor, we have bars from common xp (Xp) job xp (Jxp) and sex xp (Sxp) and the respective levels (Lvl, Jlvl and Slvl). common xp and lvl are the normal xp and lvl from RPG maker and increase Laetitia Status. Job xp and lvl are used to manage her character sheet and learning new skills. Sex xp and lvl influences Laetitias sex skills, fertility and genetics of her children.

Below the lvl monitor we have the fertility monitor. Every bar here represents 25% of fertility, so Laetitia has a total fertility of 75%

In the bottom down corner we have the uterus monitor, it will show the uterus content of Laetitia. In this case have a lot of cum!

In the top right corner we have the status monitor. Each bar means one thing:

Hpn: Laetitia's hapiness
Des: Laetitia's desire
Lac: Laetitia's lactation
Cur: Laetitia's curiosity
Inf: Pieces of information
Preg: Laetitia's pregnancies
Birth: Number of times that Laetitia gives birth
C.In: Number of times that someone cummed inside Laetitia
C.Out: Number of times that someone cummed outside, but in Laetitia
Int: Laetitia's intercourses
Pen: Number of times that something penentrates inside Laetitia's womb, anus and mouth
Rp: Number of times that Laetitias was rapped
AEx: Per thousand of areas explored (1000 = 100% os areas in game explored)

Hpn, Des and Cur vary according to time and according to events from 0 to 100. These values will open and close dialogue options, affect the reaction of Laetitia in some eventes (like whan an slime lauches a part in her womb... with high Hpn, Des and Cur, she will comemorate...)

Lac is her daily production of milk in ml. In the image she is producing something between 500ml and 600ml. With the appropriate items she can store and manipulate this milk. She can use to breastfeed companions and regenerate their strenght.

Inf and AEx are related to the development of the game's history, the higher the value of them, the closer you'll be to finalizing the game.

Below these bar you have two slots, but they are not implemented yet.

I'm planning to lauch Alpha 1.2 this Friday  22. I hope you enjoy.

Sorry for my bad english and please comment here on the blog. It is possible to comment anonymously and with the comments I can hear from you what you think of the game, the bugs you have found and most of all, know what you want from the game, what are the suggestions and requests you have for me . You can also contact me by email: thehivehgames@gmail.com

Almost 20 hours working on an image

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